Assisted Living Facilities

Services Offered to Assisted Living Facilities

Better pain management and accessible rehabilitation help frail elders cope with their physical and cognitive demands.
It is vital to have comprehensive services of a physiatrist in aged care settings such as assisted living facilities. And, our physiatry fills this void in Delaware!
Understanding the elderly community’s barriers, Delaware Physiatry focuses on enhancing a senior’s heterogeneity.
We help elders find the right therapy or treatment for their attitudes of pain, deficiencies in communication, and overall growth by making the choicest developmental and observational changes in their life.
Delaware Physiatry offers a range of services with advanced physical therapy and rehab approaches and thoughtfully crafted approaches to suit assisted living residents.

Here is a brief look into our services offered for assisted living facilities.

1. Bedside Consultation Around the Clock -

Specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation, our physiatrists emphasize diagnosis, treatment, and prevention for physical and cognitive conditions right at the bedside of the senior. We also offer integrated multidisciplinary care that addresses a senior’s physical, emotional, and even social needs.

2. Diagnosis and Seamless Coordination for Various Conditions -

Pain management and rehabilitation require a multidisciplinary team approach. We exercise better diagnosis modules for conditions such as orthopaedic, neurological, and musculoskeletal. Our team also coordinates seamlessly with the other care providers starting from the primary doctor, specialists, therapists, and nursing care specialists.

3. Complete Coverage of Medicare Part B Services -

Covering the outpatient therapy services that include physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), speech-language pathology (SPL), Delaware Physiatry provides treatment under the Part B treatment cap revision.

4. Bedside Care for Post-Stroke, TBI, and Spinal Cord Injury -

Delaware physiatry takes care of injections joint pain, tendonitis, and nerve pain which are the standard conditions in assisted living facilities. Our expert physiatrists also treat critical conditions, including stroke, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injury, using botox, nerve blocks, and managing baclofen pumps.

5. Treatment and Therapies for A Plethora of Conditions -

Delaware Physiatry’s thoughtful portfolio covers almost all the medical conditions that are cared for out of the assisted living facilities. Our coordinated services include diagnosing orthopaedic, neurological, and musculoskeletal conditions, performing botox, nerve blocks, and managing baclofen pumps for spasticity, stroke, TBI, and spinal cord injury.

6. Effective Management of Chronic Conditions -

Our expert team works in inline with the efforts of assisted living facilities to manage pain, support opioid rehabilitation, wound care, delirium management, and neurogenic bladder and bowel management. Not just for the patients, but we also provide in-service education for the nursing/therapy team to establish preventive protocols for bedsores, falls, and UTIs.

If you are in or around Delaware, just type in ‘assisted living facilities near me’ or reach out to us on (302-387-1407) to know more about our quality services.